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The term was coined by the composer and writer R. Murray Schafer. It's composed by the words sound and landscape and describes or captures the sounds of a particular environment. 


With Nixie -  a soundscape on water, Juniper's Act puts forward an environment which depicts the immersive environment as experienced in Putney around the River Thames through our ears - a soundscape created by the performers' voices and movement. The story of the mischievous Nixie and the innocent children, Sophie and John, unfolds through an array of captivating sounds.    



Imagine the sound of Putney when the bridge was wooden and pedestrians and carts crossing. Then imagine that you seriously believed that the slight bend of the bridge would prevent witches from crossing the river - what did those witches sound like?


Imagine when the first motordriven car came to Putney and the driver used the horn to warn others of its arrival. Then imagine more cars driving through Putney as the bridge was rebuild and made traffic to the other side of the river possible - what made a change to the sound of Putney?


Imagine a time when the river was populated by various birds and people were using the river for transport. Then listen to the sound of aeroplanes coming on to land at Heathrow - can you still hear the sounds of the birds? 

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